When I first read about blogger's dynamic views I was a bit curious and wanted to try it out for my next project. The first time I tried it, I did liked it specially the Magazine view.
I liked how each article is displayed in full and the simplicity of it. Also, as was boasted, it loads pretty fast. What more can you ask for, right?
Then comes customization, specially loading your ads to your blog using dynamic views. Google says it is not yet possible as of this writing. Everyone also seems to be saying the same thing, and that only a single ad can be placed on your blog using adsense (at least from what I understand). So what if you are using other affiliate programs other than adsense and what if you wanted to load more ads to your blog?
As of today, these are not possible. But don't fret, there is still one way to put more ads to your blog. It just requires more work than usual and if you really like what the dynamic views gives you then you have no other recourse than to do like what I did.
How to add more ad to your blogs using dynamic views?
Notice that when you are composing your article in blogger, there are two tabs called "Edit HTML" and "Compose". You can write your article as usual using the compose tab but before you click on Publish Post button, edit your post using the Edit HTML option.
From here, you can paste anywhere on your blog entry the code for your ad. You can also do the same for facebook buttons and other things that you can think of. Note though that from my experience in-line link text don't seem to work even with this method. If you do, your article will not load and will just show loading on the page.
You will have to do this with each blog entry. Like I said this involves a bit more work than usual so if this works fine with you then go ahead otherwise wait until google releases an updated version that you can do customization with which google says is already in the works.